New Agendas for the Sustainable Society: a Commons

October 4-11, 2018 (6:30–8:30 pm)
Jeju Island, South Korea

Jeju is the largest island in South Korea located at the southern end of S. Korea. Jeju national university research center on the commons and sustainable society is a research institute that studies field, policies, theories and strategies for the transition to a sustainable society based on Jeju field study on commons. The center plan to hold various events throughout Jeju island to inform the importance of commons from October 4 to 11 at the IASC World Commons Week. This event was proposed and prepared by the team of history and culture of our center. Especially, our center aimed to raise three agendas from viewpoint of commons: Women, Climate and development. These three agendas are a core issue of Jeju and at the same time necessary agendas for the transition to a sustainable society.


October 4: [Movie Screening and Special Talk] Women, Citizenship and Commons

October 5: [Field Survey] Climate Change and Commons

October 8: [Seminar] Reading Again Garrett Hardin’s “The tragedy of the commons”

October 10: [Conference] Development and Commons: The 30th Anniversary Conference on Jeju Tap-dong residents’ movements against landfilling Jeju Public water

October 11: [Special Lecture] Feminism and Commons: Jeju, Women and Commons

Research Center Homepage:


Some of our studies have been published in English. For non-Korean researchers who are interested in our center, we introduce the web page where you can download our recent research results:

All researchers together: After finishing the international conference of East Asian commons in February 2018.