Back on the agenda! Learning from the historical commons for a sustainable future

October 12, 2018
12:00 noon, UTC +1
The Netherlands

The commons are all over today but also have a rich history, from which we can learn a lot. In this lecture, we will explain a bit more about the long-term development of commons, and how these have emerged and disappeared over the past 1000 years. And we will explain how the commons functioned, what their role was in society and what there is to learn from this for our present-day understanding of the commons.
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Time information:

  • 12:00 noon, UTC +1

  • 1:00 pm Local (Utrecht, The Netherlands) time

  • 7:00 am moderator time (EDT)

  • Use this link to calculate your own local time if needed 

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  • US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923 

  • International numbers available here   

  • Webinar ID: 112 571 209